Saturday, April 9, 2011


-This release has EVOLVE's best layout yet. Great color scheme, simple, effective, but different and engaging
-DVD menu is back to the "EVOLVE theme music" I guess you'd call it, I'm into it, much prefer it to the DGUSA theme music. Stick with this from now on!
-We start off with a backstage segment with Chuck Taylor and Up In Smoke. I guess the documentary crew idea is already dead? We're back to the typical pro wrestling fly on the wall style promo here. Decent idea in what they're trying to get across but Taylor can't help but smirk his way through it as usual. Good way to get UIS involved in a promo without having them have to actually do much of any mic work though
-Swann, Younger, Ricochet and Cole give their thoughts on who will win the main event. This is a cool idea for a series of quick promos, very different
-It might be time to redo the intro video, it mentions the documentary crew and features multiple clips of guys who are already out of the company

-Mike Quackenbush VS Chuck Taylor. Aside from the opening matwork, this felt very different from the other opening/early card EVOLVE matches thus far. It was more of a typical indy match but Quack still keeps Taylor reigned in and it wasn't bad at all. The lighting is the worst of any EVOLVE event yet, but it can't really be held against them as this was a day show. The audio on the other hand is spot on.

-Up In Smoke VS Aeroform. Wow, this was by far the best I've seen UIS call a match. They clearly lead Aeroform through this and it works out very well. This is a match where the wins/loss gimmick EVOLVE is based around really feels relevant. Even though UIS are only 2-0, compared to Aeroform's 1-3 you know coming into this the dichotomy of the match and both teams play it up well. Areoform still flub a few spots but on a whole this was a nice spotty tag and a particularly impressive performance from UIS. Decent angle at the end too. This match bodes well for EVOLVE's tag division.

-Larry Dallas segment. I don't know what they're going for here. I mean I know we're leading to Dallas sponsoring fighters, but it sure is taking them a while to get there. I don't care if Larry Davis gets into the show or not. I just don't care.

-Jimmy Jacobs VS Adam Cole. So apparently Jacobs is Tenryucito in EVOLVE, playing the veteran trying to get the young guys over as credible opponents and making them look good. Fair enough, it's a good role for him. He lays into Cole like a son of a bitch here, and Cole responds like a limp wristed bitch. Ironic considering Jacobs is the one playing up the homosexual man crush on Adam leading into this. I was pleasantly surprised by how good this was and would gladly sit down to it again sometime down the line.

-Sami Callihan VS Drake Younger. Yet another excellent Callihan performance. It's interesting to hear the crowd so behind Sami and turn on Younger. Is my hatred for him catching on? Younger does give a very good effort here though and I have to admit I enjoyed the match start to finish. Still this was surprisingly long and developed for where it was on an EVOLVE show and once again didn't gel with what I've come to expect from the company.

-Danielson warms up backstage and Sawa does the splits. I always appreciate little stuff like this, cool to see.

-Brad Allen VS Johnny Gargano VS Gran Akuma VS Jon Moxley VS Frightmare VS Rich Swann. Super choreographed looking spotfest. Moxley probably looked best here but this was just a waste of booking 6 guys. It's really strange in a promotion that's based around win/loss record that a flukey win in a match like this is just as important to the standings as winning a singles match.

-Mercedes Martinez VS Amazing Kong. Probably the most anticipated match in EVOLVE yet and it's totally ruined by the booking. What the hell? They keep building and building Martinez, can we finally get a worthwhile match for her? This started off really strong but never had the chance to hit its stride. It's a shame because both women looked ready to lay it all out.

-Kyle O'Reilly VS Ricochet. Decent match but fairly disappointing given the upward trajectory of Ricochet's career as of late. This was basically destined for failure as soon as they decided to do the "kicker takes out high flyer's leg" routine as neither guy is good enough to pull this off convincingly yet. There are a few moments where it seems like they might actually make it work, where Ricochet is fighting from his back and selling effectively. They give up on it quickly though and get back to running through their spots. And there are a few great spots, but overall this was underwhelming compared to what I've seen from both thus far.

-Martinez & Homicide segment backstage. Nice promo but Martinez being bummed about the match just accentuates how disappointing it was.

-Moxley comes out and demands a rematch VS Brodie Lee. Sounds great but unfortunately it never happened! Bummer.

-Bryan Danielson VS Munenori Sawa. This had more of a big match feel than the Bobby Fish match did on the previous EVOLVE card. Great intensity from both guys. Sawa has a few good moments throwing kicks off his back, some good slaps and desperation dropkicks, but his performance otherwise is lacking. His selling is inconsistent and it felt like he had a lack of credible offense compared to Danielson. But Bryan gives a great performance and this is up there with Hero/Hidaka among the best matches the promotion has run as of yet.

-Strangely enough this was most likely the best show the company has run in terms of match quality, and yet was one of the least memorable shows. It just didn't feel as much like an EVOLVE event. It started off very good but hit a wall in the second half and Callihan/Younger, the 6 way and O'Reilly/Ricochet all felt like they'd be better off in JAPW or CZW. I'd recommend the DVD to all interested but I'd like to see a return to the shorter, more physical style matches the company was built around. And it'd be especially nice if someone other than Danielson or Quack seemed to give a shit about mat work.