Saturday, April 24, 2010

Welcome To Young Lions

This is the first post that I'm going to put up and keep up for my new blog Young Lions. This is a blog that I've attempted to launch multiple times but have never felt was ready. A few different incarnations have been published, but this time I am going to start fresh with a review of EVOLVE 2 that will go up this week. Right now I think the Northeast wrestling scene can use all the discussion it can get, as a lot of the places online people used to talk about local feds are either gone or are not what they used to be. I make no promises about the format of Young Lions or how often it will be updated. I may make posts about any number of topics, from pro wrestling, to movies, television, music, maybe even tabletop gaming. One thing I know for sure is I want to review this DVD while it's fresh in my memory and help EVOLVE with the little promotion I can give it. I'll also say right off the bat that I never give away results or major spoilers in my reviews.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

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